As soon as I closed on the propery I went to work getting a garden started. And I jumped in with both feet, my garden this year is about 20'x60'. Although it has been tough to keep up with it while working on the house to get it ready for us to move into, and trying to keep up with the current house and my three kids, I am still very glad to have this garden. And as you can tell I put together the fence by only buying 5 posts and using everything else that I salvaged from other areas of the property. Not pretty but it works great.
This year I planted 7 rows of sweet corn, 2 bushel gourds, 2 lumina pumpkins, 1 chili pepper, 3 red carribbean peppers, 2 hillbilly orange tomatoes, 2 beefsteak tomatoes, 1 striped roman tomato, 12 la roma tomatoes, 2 sugar baby watermelons, 12 russet potatoes, 1 row lincoln peas, 6 broccoli, and 2 huckleberries.
We have harvested quite a bit from the garden already and have some plants still going strong. I am already planning on an expansion for next year!!
Looks great. Can't wait to see your progress. Sounds like you are off to a good start.