Sunday, December 23, 2012

2 loads moved

Well I was able to get two trailer loads moved today.  The trailer is only 4 x 8 so it doesn't hold as much as I would like at a time.  But it was nice to get some stuff moved today.  Some snow is forecasted for tonight and I have to work tomorrow, so I don't know if anything will get moved tomorrow but it will get done eventually I am sure!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Delayed Moving Time

We were planning on moving today.  Then yesterday we got our first blizzard of the season.  The drifts are so tall there is no way to get through them with a truck and trailer.  It would be nice to just delay for one day but the roads are still not looking the best.  Hopefully the county road crews are able to get the roads cleared and we can get both driveways cleared and at least get somethings moved this weekend and then can finish up on Christmas Eve!   
Wish us luck!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Play set for the Kids!

I saw a post on Craigslist of someone giving away a wooden playground.  It was a big one, ten years old, and would be a heck of a lot of work to take apart!  I thought about it for a short while but I knew this was probably the only way I would ever be able to get something like this for my kids.  So after two trips with the big trailer and three constant days of work, my kids have a playground to call there own.

And it was worth it all when I was able to stand back and watch them play and hear their happy voices!